Sunday, January 8, 2012

What I've been up to...

This was a busy week. In terms of self-improvements, I undertook three initiatives:
1. Worked out 3 times
2. Got my feet checked out
3. Stopped eating chips

The working out is my attempt to get back into a healthy routine. Along with the three workouts, I also played nine games of ultimate. I'm starting to feel that holiday weight melt away.

I've had a prescription for orthotics since last July. Despite having a relapse of plantar faciitis, it took my girlfriend pointing out that I should make an appointment NOW to see the specialist. The doctor turned out to be very helpful and I should have my new orthotics in two weeks.

Chips are a favorite comfort food that helps satisfy my salt cravings. Instead of eating chips, I've been snacking on salted shelled peanuts, nuts and bolts, and more fruit. This is also part of my "healthier habits" kick.

Additionally, I read a great book this past week; Ready Player One. It was an action-filled novel that combined my loves of geeky 80's stuff, video games, and fantasy.

Lastly, the girlfriend and I looked at our first house this past week. Although it definitely wasn't "the one", it did help motivate me to get my place ready to sell, and figure out further what I wanted in a house.

Hopefully next week won't be quite as action-packed.

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