Ever since my mom packed my lunch in grade 1, I've had three cookies at noon five days a week. It took my girlfriend (well...actually, that would be finace now...popped the question last weekend) to make fun of me for my three cookie habit, before I questioned why I needed my treats when I was in the office. Seeing as how I've eliminated chips (except for nachos) and cheese strings from my diet already this year, I thought I'd try to change my three cookie for lunch habit. For about a month now, I've been going cold turkey, and have the transition relatively easy. I've snacked on granola bars or almonds instead of my beloved biscuits.
Since it's been a while since my last post, I've read a bunch of books...but nothing that really stood out. My most memorable was probably La Fille de Papier (par Musso) because it was my second full length French novel ever. It takes me longer to read French books, but I'm starting to enjoy them more, and find them less challenging.
My only other piece of news since my last post is that after going through a round of competitive tryouts, I've decided to play BigFish (Ottawa's mixed co-ed 'B' team) this summer. Since this is my last year of touring, and because I started out with BigFish, I figure this will let me close the loop. It's odd going from the worst player on the team in my first year, to one of the more experienced veterans. I only hope I can help some of the younger players as much as the veterans helped me when I was relatively new to the competitive scene. Looking back, I've realized how lucky I was to have experienced players take me under their wings, share their knowledge, and make me a better player (and person). Not sure where I'd be without frisbee...and it scares me to think about it.
I'm down to three more weeks of living in Ontario, before I cross the bridge and head to the dark side ;-) Having visited my future home this week, I'm really looking forward to soaking in the hot tub after hard practices, having a huge office, and getting the downstairs set up just so.
It turns out that 5 months in, 2012 has really turned out to be a great year. Here's hoping the best is yet to come.
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